Can I Touch Up My House?

This is a sticky issue. I say this because I am always ask to come in and touch up a home. This is normally done when the home owner or realtors is trying to save money. Really it is cutting corners very close. Touching up a home is not as easy as it may sound.

You have several sheens most people use in their homes, flat, eggshell, satin and semi gloss, and let’s say majority of these home owners use water base/latex paint. Now if you do not have the paint from the original batch of paint you used to paint your home, you will have to get it matched up. I know you know, this is for those that do not.

In most cases you will not get an exact match when trying to match a color and sheen, there are some cases it will come close, however all the years I have been doing this, it is rare. Unless it was a paint that was pre mixed. For example antique white normally come pre mixed. But even with that you have to be careful.

If you paint the house with a Home Depot antique white that is pre mixed you cannot go to Lowes and use the Valspar 2000 antique white and expect good results. What make a painter a professional is he has to know all kinds of techniques to get the job done in an efficient and cost effective manner.

Touching up a home is something I do not recommend unless you keep track of the color palettes and the brand. Now rental properties are sometimes easy to touch up if the manager or owner stick to the same brand and color.

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